Hubby created a list a while ago detailing what needs done each day to maintain some semblance of order. Things like vacuuming (we have a large, hairy dog), KP duty, laundry and more were listed by day. This seemed to work pretty well for a while then someone's schedule would change and someone would miss out on dishes or garbage and mess up the schedule. For months the list was displayed on the fridge, conveniently overlooked in favor of better things to do. And the house has fallen into disrepair or disorganization... or disclean? Or something. Google search is fabulous and here are a few sites and links that have helped get us on the road to organization.
Lara, the Lazy Organizer is a woman after my own heart and with each post I am finding ideas to use. She has done some organizational stuff like described above for her family, too. Check it out!
I also love MeckMom who has many things she 'just thought she'd pass on.' And I usually find lots to use here, too! Like this post on her Mom Game Plan from which I blatantly stole the format for my end result (with great appreciation from me [who needs to reinvent the wheel] and implied permission from her blog).
Oh, if you are as crazy-inspired by looking at and dreaming about organizational tips and tricks as I am, check out Chart Jungle where you can download and print charts for your personal use as long as you leave the copywrite info on it. Oh the bliss of a 4 year old, motivated by a secret prize if she only earns 7 X's on the 'Listen & Obey' chart! "Can I listen again, Mommy? Right now?" "Why, yes you may, darling!" There are many other kinds on this site than parenting, but if you read my previous post Our Spirited Child, you will know why this turns my crank. ;O)
So, here is my current document:
There are a few items that didn't make the chore list, like emptying the dishwasher. It needs doing everyday and as good as crossing things off lists make me feel, it just seemed silly to note it every day simply to cross it off. Yesterday Grace (4) was promoted to chief silverware sorter, which she is thrilled about! Micah (13) usually empties the dishwasher daily and he started with the silverware at about 3 or 4 so I think it's time we start Grace on the chore. Last night as I was loading the dishwasher she could hear the silverware going in and ran into the kitchen howling to not forget her and the silverware are her job! Wonder how long that will last?
How do you organize your family chores? What keeps you organized and on top of it? Let me know!

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